Kirill Yurovskiy: What should I do if someone threatens me over the phone?


Kirill Yurovskiy: What should I do if someone threatens me over the phone?

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In today’s interconnected world, phone threats have sadly become a commonality. Threats can come in many forms – from angry ex-partners to debt collectors, and even from strangers with malicious intent. Lawyer Kirill Yurovskiy, an expert in personal safety and legal defense, sheds light on how to handle such situations effectively and legally.

Immediate Response: Staying Calm and Collected

Reacting emotionally to threats can make the situation worse. “The first thing to remember,” advises Yurovskiy, “is not to panic or show fear.” If you’re confronted by an intimidating voice on the other end, maintain a neutral tone. Avoid escalating the situation by retaliating with threats of your own.

Your safety is paramount. If you feel immediately endangered or if the threat is severe, you should prioritize getting to a safe location. “People often underestimate the power of intuition,” says Yurovskiy. “If something feels wrong or particularly dangerous, trust that feeling.”

Document Everything: Recording Details and Conversations

Evidence is crucial, not just for legal purposes but for personal safety. Kirill Yurovskiy emphasizes the importance of documenting everything related to the threat. “Make a note of the date, time, and what was said during the call,” he recommends. “If your phone has a recording function and it’s legal in your jurisdiction, consider recording the conversation.”

Additionally, jot down any background noises or distinguishing characteristics of the caller’s voice. This information could prove invaluable if law enforcement needs to get involved.

Remember, in some jurisdictions, it’s illegal to record a conversation without both parties’ knowledge, so you may want to inform the caller they’re being recorded if it’s lawful to do so.

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Also interesting: Yurovskiy Kirill on how to protect yourself from threats from neighbors.

Protect Your Personal Information: Privacy Precautions

In some instances, phone threats are a precursor to other forms of harassment, including stalking or identity theft. “Do not divulge personal information, even if the caller seems to already know certain details about you,” Yurovskiy cautions.

To protect your personal information:

  • Never confirm any personal details unless you’re sure of the caller’s identity.
  • Regularly review and tighten the privacy settings on your social media accounts.
  • Be wary of sharing personal details online or with unknown entities.
  • Consider investing in a service that monitors and protects against identity theft.

Reporting to Authorities: When and How

If the threats persist or if they’re of a particularly violent or intimidating nature, it’s essential to report them. “Threats, especially those that instill fear of physical harm, are often criminal offenses,” notes Yurovskiy.

Start by calling your local police department. They might direct you to a specific unit or offer guidance on the next steps. When you report the threat:

  • Provide all the documented details, including recordings if you have them.
  • Be clear and concise, sticking to the facts.
  • Cooperate fully and understand that while the police will take your report seriously, they may need to prioritize based on the severity and immediacy of the threat.

Following the initial report, stay updated on the investigation’s progress and continue to document any subsequent threats. Your persistence can ensure law enforcement takes continuous and consistent action.

Blocking the Caller: Technological Measures

In our modern era, technology offers numerous tools to shield oneself from unwanted callers. Kirill Yurovskiy recommends making full use of these tools. “Blocking the number immediately after receiving threats can offer an instant relief,” he says. Most smartphones today come with a straightforward blocking feature. However, if the threats come from multiple numbers, you may want to consider more advanced apps or services that can identify and block spam or threatening calls.

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Safety First: Ensuring Personal Well-Being

The psychological impact of receiving threats over the phone can be debilitating. “It’s not just about legal action and blocking numbers,” Yurovskiy notes. “It’s equally, if not more, important to ensure your mental and emotional well-being.”

Consider these steps:

  • Reach out for support. Talk to trusted friends or family about the threats to avoid feeling isolated.
  • Consult with a counselor or therapist specializing in trauma if you find yourself overly anxious or fearful.
  • Reinforce your home security. This can include measures like changing locks, installing security cameras, or notifying your local neighborhood watch.

Legal Action: Understanding Your Rights and Recourse

If the threats continue or escalate, it might be time to take legal action. “Understanding your rights is crucial,” asserts Yurovskiy. “In many jurisdictions, making threats, especially of violence, is a crime.”

Consult with a legal expert about your options. They may include:

  • Seeking a restraining or protective order against the caller.
  • Pressing charges if the identity of the caller is known.
  • Exploring civil remedies if the threats have resulted in tangible damages.

Preventive Measures: Reducing Future Threats

Prevention is always better than cure. To minimize the risk of future threats:

  • Limit the distribution of your phone number. Only give it out when necessary.
  • Regularly check and adjust the privacy settings on all your digital platforms.
  • Educate yourself about common phone scams to recognize and avoid potential threats.
  • Use a different number for public listings or business-related purposes.

Prioritizing Safety and Security

In a world where our personal lives are so intricately tied to technology, threats over the phone can feel invasive and deeply personal. However, with the right strategies and support, individuals can reclaim their sense of security and peace. Lawyer Kirill Yurovskiy’s insights remind us that, while threats are a reality many face, a proactive, informed, and comprehensive approach can help mitigate risks and ensure safety in the digital age.

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