Simplifying Sharing in Microsoft 365: A User-Friendly Approach by Microsoft


Simplifying Sharing in Microsoft 365: A User-Friendly Approach by Microsoft

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Simplifying Sharing in Microsoft 365: A User-Friendly Approach by Microsoft

Microsoft 365 has always been a platform that encourages sharing and collaboration, enabling users to work together with colleagues and partners on files and documents across a multitude of applications. The “Share” button, a feature that is used over eight hundred million times each month across Microsoft 365 applications explains Microsoft. Who has this month added new features and refined the Microsoft 365 sharing features thanks to user feedback.

The Simplified Sharing experience, a feature that has been eagerly anticipated, is now available across more than fifty Microsoft 365 applications on all platforms: Web, Desktop, and Mobile. This new 365 sharing feature makes file sharing easier and faster, enhancing the overall 365 sharing experience.

Microsoft 365 sharing

Users can now share a file with coworkers in a snap by sending them an email or copying a link. The Share dialog has been streamlined and is free of distractions, making the process of sharing files more straightforward than ever before. 365 also respects the need for security and control when sharing files externally. Users can share files outside their organization while respecting admin settings and external policies in Microsoft 365. This ensures that the process of sharing files is not only easy but also secure.

The new features rolled out to Microsoft 365 also make it easier to view and control who has access to shared files or folders and what permissions they have. This is a significant step towards enhancing the transparency and control of Microsoft 365 sharing. One of the standout features of Microsoft 365 sharing is the introduction of Sensitivity Labels.

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These labels allow users to classify files based on their level of confidentiality, enabling better control over access and distribution. These labels are integrated into the Share dialog and Manage Access dialog, providing an at-a-glance understanding of file sensitivity before sharing. This ensures that sensitive information is handled with the utmost care and discretion.

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365’s Simplified Sharing is a game-changer. It not only makes the process of sharing files easier and faster but also ensures that the process is secure and controlled. To learn more about the new Microsoft 365 sharing features now available jump over to the official Microsoft community blog where videos are available detailing how to use each.

Source : MBlog

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