How To Get And Farm Dcp


How To Get And Farm Dcp

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There are many in-game features and mechanics that are unique in Dragon’s Dogma 2. Despite it being an open-world game that can be related to the many other AAA Open World RPGs out there, these unique features can be a bit puzzling if you are just getting started. Knowing the various types of currencies and experience types you acquire can make a big difference in how you approach the game.


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Not long after starting your playthrough will you notice that there is an experience type called Dcp. But how do you get it, and what is it used for? In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about Dcp.

Updated by Matthew Schomer on March 28, 2024: This guide has been updated to include a video version (featured above.)

What Is Dcp?

In the shortest terms, Dcp is an experience type that you get from defeating enemies in battle that both you and your main pawn will earn/spend independently of each other. Unlike XP, which will affect your base character level and general stats, Dcp is an experience more tied directly to your Vocations than your character itself.

These two experience types really go hand-in-hand, and it is generally impossible to earn XP and not Dcp when killing enemies. However, Dcp also functions a bit like a currency in that it is also used to purchase/unlock new weapon skills, core skills, augments for each Vocation, as well as new Vocations, at the Vocation Guilds. The cost of these skills ranges depending on their power and whether they are the base or advanced version, but the Dcp cost typically ranges from 100 to 1000.

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Luckily, Dcp is an experience/currency that carries over when you switch Vocations. You’ll still need to gain experience using that Vocation to level it up and open up new skills to unlock, but the Dcp you earned in prior Vocations still carries over.


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How To Farm Dcp

Dragon's Dogma 2 DCP Monster killing

As mentioned, you’ll earn Dcp from killing enemies in battle. Thus, the best way to farm Dcp is to engage in battle as much as possible. More challenging enemies will net you a bigger Dcp haul than the weaker ones, but they are also harder to kill. That’s why we recommend sticking to goblin groups early on as you can farm Dcp from them while you also farm regular experience and even gold.

Later in the game, you’ll eventually build up enough Dcp organically that you won’t have to think about farming it. But early on, it can be important to pay more attention to how much Dcp you have so you are never in a pinch when trying to acquire a new skill.

You can also occasionally earn Dcp by learning certain information or talking to select individuals. This method is far less reliable and seemingly random, but don’t be surprised if you get some extra Dcp when speaking with some NPCs.

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